Ithmaar Bank offers $30,000 in travel rewards to credit card holders | Ithmaar Bank

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Ithmaar Bank offers $30,000 in travel rewards to credit card holders
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31 يناير 2016 -- Ithmaar

MANAMA, BAHRAIN – 31 January 2016: Ithmaar Bank, a Bahrain-based Islamic retail bank, will offer its credit card holders the chance to win US$30,000 in travel packages over the next three months as part of the Bank’s unique Win & Fly offer. Each BD50 spent on purchases will entitle card holders to an entry into a raffle draw for a chance to win.
The three-month offer starts on 1 February 2016 with US$5,000 in travel packages rewarded to two winners every month. Vouchers are valid until 31 August 2016 and can be redeemed at any time from the draw date until expiry through Kanoo Travel.
“This limited-time offer will give each of six lucky Ithmaar Bank credit card holders a US$5,000 travel package that they can tailor to their own specific requirements,” said Ithmaar Bank Assistant General Manager, Head of Retail Banking, Mohammed Janahi. “Depending, for example, on their choice of destination, the duration their holiday and the standard of accommodation they choose, winners will be able to tailor-build their prize to vary the length, location and luxury components. Any remaining amount from the US$5,000 prize will be credited to the winner’s credit card,” he said.
“With the Win & Fly offers’ specific focus on travel, together with Ithmaar Rewards, it is possible for our card holders to win as well as to book flights, hotel rooms and transportation just by using their Ithmaar Bank MasterCard credit cards,” said Janahi. “This means that Ithmaar Bank customers could literally earn a free holiday, or at least a heavily discounted one, just by going about their normal spending routines,” he said.
Ithmaar Bank credit card holders are also eligible for enrolment in the Bank’s credit card loyalty programme, Ithmaar Rewards, the only one of its kind in the Kingdom of Bahrain that is being held in collaboration with MasterCard and focuses specifically on travel. The rewards can be redeemed online for airline tickets from a choice of 700 airlines, accommodation from among 150,000 hotels, or worldwide car rental services, inclusive of all taxes and without restrictions or blackout dates. The accumulated points can also be used to book trips for cardholders’ friends or family members.
To redeem loyalty points, cardholders can log on to the Ithmaar Rewards page on Ithmaar Bank’s website at