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الأعمال المصرفية الخاصة

الأعمال المصرفية الخاصة من أصحاب الثروات الكبيرة ومكاتب الاستثمار العائلية والجهات الاعتبارية والمؤسسات، إضافة إلى المؤسسات المالية التي تعمل في كل هذه المناطق. هذا ويقدم القسم خدمات ذات طابع شخصي وكذلك الأعمال المصرفية الخاصة والاستشارات المالية والخدمات الاستثمارية للعملاء من أصحاب الثروات الكبيرة والمؤسسات من خلال الفهم الوثيق بمتطلبات العملاء والقدرة على تلبية هذه المتطلبات بكفاءة وفعالية.
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Ithmaar honours top employees
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المبلغ المذكور هو لغرض التوضيح فقط . يخضع مبلغ التمويل النهائي للوثائق المقدمة والموافقة النهائية من قبل البنك.

18 فبراير 2013 -- Ithmaar

MANAMA, BAHRAIN – 18 February 2013 – In line with its long-standing tradition of celebrating excellence, Ithmaar Bank, a Bahrain-based Islamic retail bank, honoured five of its employees for their outstanding performance.

During the honouring ceremony the employees, Khaireya Naser Abdulrasool Mohamed, a Senior Staff in the Administration Department, Mona Ebrahim Ahmed Al Sindi, an Officer in the Retail Banking Department, Fatema Ebrahim Husain Al-Rafaei and Alya Ghuloom Hasan Malalla, both Senior Officers in the Retail Banking Department, and Maha Yahya Faeq Al-Turk, a Senior Officer in the Asset Management Department, received a trophy, and a cash prize from Ithmaar Bank Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board, Mohammed Bucheerei, in the presence of Executive General Manager, Support Group, Juma Abull, General Manager, Retail Banking, Ahmed Abdul Rahim, Assistant General Manager, Retail Banking, Mohammed Janahi, and Manager, Retail Banking, Khalid Ebrahim Abdulkarim.

“The honouring ceremony continues a long-standing tradition of celebrating employee achievements and recognising outstanding performance with an Employee of the Month Award programme,” said Bucheerei. “It is always a pleasure to recognise the achievements of employees who play a pivotal role in the Bank’s growing success,” he said.

utstanding performance.

During the honouring ceremony the employees, Khaireya Naser Abdulrasool Mohamed, a Senior Staff in the Administration Department, Mona Ebrahim Ahmed Al Sindi, an Officer in the Retail Banking Department, Fatema Ebrahim Husain Al-Rafaei and Alya Ghuloom Hasan Malalla, both Senior Officers in the Retail Banking Department, and Maha Yahya Faeq Al-Turk, a Senior Officer in the Asset Management Department, received a trophy, and a cash prize from Ithmaar Bank Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board, Mohammed Bucheerei, in the presence of Executive General Manager, Support Group, Juma Abull, General Manager, Retail Banking, Ahmed Abdul Rahim, Assistant General Manager, Retail Banking, Mohammed Janahi, and Manager, Retail Banking, Khalid Ebrahim Abdulkarim.

“The honouring ceremony continues a long-standing tradition of celebrating employee achievements and recognising outstanding performance with an Employee of the Month Award programme,” said Bucheerei. “It is always a pleasure to recognise the achievements of employees who play a pivotal role in the Bank’s growing success,” he said.