Ithmaar Bank honours 36 long-serving employees, reports 97% Bahrainisation | Ithmaar Bank

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Ithmaar Bank honours 36 long-serving employees, reports 97% Bahrainisation
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23 فبراير 2021 -- Ithmaar

MANAMA, BAHRAIN – 23 February 2021 – Ithmaar Bank, a Bahrain-based Islamic retail bank, recognised 36 employees, including 35 Bahrainis, for their contributions to the bank’s ongoing success. They were presented with cash and certificates for completing 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service.
This came as the bank was recognised by Tamkeen for its exceptionally high 97 percent Bahrainisation level. Ithmaar Bank’s performance in this area, among the best in the Kingdom, is in line with the objectives of Tamkeen’s Taqdeer programme and the Government of Bahrain’s overall goal of creating a highly skilled Bahraini workforce and positioning them as employees of choice. The Bank also has 17 Bahrainis among its 19-member Executive Management team.
“Ithmaar Bank is a people-oriented organisation, focused on our employees’ growth, success, and personal development,” said Ithmaar Bank Chief Executive Officer, Ahmed Abdul Rahim. “These long-service awards reflect how deeply we value the hard work and dedication of our team members, some of whom have been with us since the bank’s inception,” said Abdul Rahim.
“The banking industry, particularly Islamic banking, offers exciting career opportunities for hardworking and growth-oriented individuals, and we are pleased to count so many Bahrainis among our wonderful team,” he said. “Our high Bahrainisation rate reaffirms our commitment to prioritising and developing local talent, in support of the Government’s Economic Vision 2030 to deliver strong economic growth and prosperity to all citizens,” he said.
“We are careful to ensure a working environment where women can learn, grow their skills, and succeed. Our career progression programmes provide hard working women with as many opportunities as their male counterparts,” said Abdul Rahim.
Ithmaar Bank is also a strong advocate of gender equality, counting several women among its management team and two on its board. It employs 103 women in total at various levels, from customer facing personnel to executives.